So Just What is the “DLC”?
July 25, 2017
The Design Lights Consortium, commonly referred to as “DLC,” is a non-profit organization whose mission is to define quality LED products to promote efficient lighting. Most utilities in the United States and Canada have adopted the DLC’s Quality Products List (QPL) as their standard requirement for approving energy efficiency incentives.
It’s important to energy incentives and rebates because the DLC not only works closely with utilities, but also manufacturers, lighting designers, federal agencies and other energy efficiency providers.
Having a product on the DLC-QPL means that it has been through testing that deems that product a suitable candidate for your company to install and gain energy savings for your company.
It also means that your local utility may incent this product with a rebate (if your local utility has an energy efficiency program).
The Design Lights Consortium regularly updates the technical requirements of the QPL to keep up with technology trends.
In fact, the most recent revision includes some substantial changes. As a result of the latest update, on April 1, 2017, about 40% of the original list no longer met those requirements and were “Delisted”.
This caused significant changes in the incentives offered by utilities across the U.S. and Canada. Many manufacturers have since made changes to their delisted products, which allowed them to be relisted in the QPL.
An important tool you should be aware of is the DLC-QPL search feature, which allows you to check your companies’ current and future lighting solutions to see if they qualify. Bookmark this link:
Sound confusing? Don’t worry, you can always partner with EMC to find a qualified lighting solution for your business! We are used to working with the DLC-QPL as well as more than 200 utilities nationwide.
Stacy Delzer is Energy Management Collaborative's Manager of Customer Incentives. In this role she utilizes her knowledge of incentive programs nationwide to expedite the application process and secure maximum incentive dollars for EMC customers.